The official trailer for Shah Rukh Khan’s upcoming production film “Bhakshak,” has been released. In the movie, Bhumi plays an investigative journalist on a mission to uncover the culprits of a girl’s sexual assault case at a shelter home. The film is directed by Pulkit, who co-wrote the screenplay with Jyotsana Nath.

“A story of resilience that needs to be told,” is how SRK described the trailer he posted on Instagram. Bhakshak, a film based on real events, will only be available on Netflix starting on February 9.

Check Out This Amazing Trailer of Film Bhakshak-

What is the Storyline of the Movie Bhakshak?

The trailer showcases Bhumi Pednekar, Sanjay Mishra, Aditya Srivastava, and Sai Tamhankar’s impressive acting abilities. The journey of a woman’s unwavering search for justice is the central theme of this movie.


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This is the tale of investigative journalist Vaishali Singh, who wants to show society the true nature of crimes against women to expose a horrible crime. The cast appears to be successful in telling this story in the movie’s trailer.

Bhumi Pednekar on Acting as a Journalist

Bhumi recently spoke with news agency ANI about the movie and her experience putting herself in the shoes of a journalist.

“Journalism is a challenging career…it requires a lot of strength to ask the correct questions, specifically to confront those who are in power,” she said, discussing her role.

Asking questions without fear requires a great deal of bravery. I applaud all of the journalists out there for carrying out their duties bravely and honorably. My experience working on this film has taught me a lot. I’m honored”.

This movie is therefore based on actual events that occurred in the Muzaffarpur Women’s Shelter Case. Brajesh Thakur received a life sentence along with eleven other defendants in this case. Many young girls were subjected to physical and sexual abuse by them as part of their illicit activities.

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