One of the major health problems that many people today deal with is high cholesterol. This disease is turning into a major medical condition that weakens the heart and raises the risk of stroke in adults as well as elderly individuals.
When there is an excess of a fatty substance in the blood, high cholesterol results. Eating fatty foods, not exercising enough, being overweight, smoking, and drinking alcohol are some of the main causes of high cholesterol.
Recently, HCL Healthcare conducted a study. This indicates that high cholesterol was discovered in 61% of IT professionals under 40 who worked in the IT (Information Technology) industry. The main objective of this study is to highlight the demand for preventive care in the Indian Corporate Sector.
Why Do People Have High Cholesterol?
One of the main risk factors for serious diseases like heart disease is high cholesterol. Long periods of sitting, poor eating habits, and inactivity may be the cause of the rising number of cases among IT workers.
What are the Major Health in the IT Sector?
IT workers are afflicted with numerous illnesses in addition to high cholesterol levels. The main causes of these medical conditions are obesity, pre-diabetes, hypothyroidism, anemia, and diabetes.
The results of the study emphasize the need for IT workers to take care of their health. A balanced diet, enough sleep, and regular exercise are crucial for this. Furthermore, it is imperative to cultivate the practice of taking small breaks to walk around the workspace.