After five years, the well-known comedy team of Kapil Sharma and Sunil Grover is ready to hit the screen. Netflix recently released a teaser video titled “The Great Indian Kapil Show.” In addition to many other comedians, this show stars Kapil Sharma, Sunil Grover, Krishna Abhishek, and Archana Puran Singh.
The most recent Netflix post includes the show’s time, date, and other important facts. A few months back, Kapil Sharma released a brief teaser introducing his comedy show on Netflix. Everyone’s favorite Dr. Mashoor Gulati, also known as Sunil Grover, was finally shown with Kapil Sharma in this promo.
Check out the most recent promo for this show-
‘The Great Indian Kapil Show’s’ First Promo
In this promo, we see Rajeev Thakur, Archana Puran Singh, Kapil Sharma-Krushna Abhishek, and Kiku Sharda. In this humorous trailer, everyone is seated together and debating the show’s title. Subsequently, Sunil Grover appears, adorned in a suit and boots, displaying his regal flair. The comedians can all be seen pulling each other’s legs in this promo.
On its social media accounts, Netflix has revealed several new films, television series, and shows. This lengthy list also includes a long-discussed show featuring comedians Sunil Grover and Kapil Sharma. On its official Instagram account, Netflix has released a new teaser for Kapil Sharma’s upcoming series, “The Great Indian Kapil Show Promo.”
What is the Release Date of the Indian Kapil’s Show?
A significant argument with Sunil, who portrayed Dr. Mashoor Gulati and Gutthi in Kapil Sharma’s show, previously occurred in 2018 on a flight from Australia to Mumbai.
However, none of them discussed candidly what transpired on the flight. However, they later made amends with one another, and they are now back together. Starting on March 1, “The Great Indian Kapil Show” will only be available on Netflix every Saturday at 8:00 p.m.